We understand that listing or purchasing a home takes a lot of your time and energy and, it takes a lot of paper! That’s why, when you order a Plattsburgh Home Inspection, we provide you with The InspectionTechnologies Digital Report – a comprehensive summary of your home’s condition. The easy-to-read format makes the report useful, as a quick reference tool, should questions arise regarding the home.
The inspection findings of our over 400+ item inspection can be downloaded from our passcode-protected website the very next day. Though we only give the passcode to you, you have control over the passcode for the 30-days that the report remains posted to our website. This alleviates copying, faxing, or mailing your report to anyone else you may need to review it (your contractor, a family member, your attorney or your Realtor).
Protect your investment with a Plattsburgh Home Inspection!